Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Lovely Day

BerksThe weather was lovely. As usual, we had our lunch at Cheryl's deck. I tried to feed Sweetpea with sausage and rice even if she was busy playing with the other kids. I observed that she was more fond of Jessa than Jacinda. I could not understand why but I guess some days she and Jacinda are close, and some days they aren't.

Vivian wasn't there and we kept on wondering why she hasn't been showing up in the past weeks. But Maricel was with us just like last week. She even brought eggplant omelet for lunch.

While having lunch, my girlfriends and I had discussed several things. Parenting, most especially. The food was more appetizing with bulad around. But every once in a while, one of us would need to either chase or yell at the kids each time they tried to go beyond boundaries.

At one point, I found myself playing soccer with the kids just to get them interested to stay in the yard. It worked for a while. The kids still continued on playing soccer even when I went back to the deck to get some dessert.

Ivy had brought a cake, but I didn't try it. I had leche flan which I cooked earlier in the morning and a little bit of ice cream which Cheryl took out from the fridge. The playdate was successful and Sweetpea took a long nap as soon as we arrived home.

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