Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Shortest PlayDate Ever!

A Soccer Star is Born
It could have been a perfect day outside for the kids, but things weren't as perfect as they appeared to be. For one thing, Sandy's currently visiting her family and friends in the Philippines and Blessy had to do her case study. Although Maricel was around with Kirby (thanks to Ivy for picking us up!) --- she didn't stay long either. So, Ivy and I also left soon after Maricel had left.

I was amazed at how much food we had for lunch when I only brought pritong isda and Ivy had managed to grab icecream and cake at Market Basket on our way to Cheryl's place. Cheryl definitely loves to cook and I cannot help but appreciate her cooking. For the first time, Sweetpea sat on my lap to eat her lunch... and she only went off to play after she was done.

After lunch, we brought the kids outside. I encouraged Zack to play soccer with the girls but he kept on grabbing the ball thinking they were playing football. Jessa finally resigned.

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